President Bill Clinton's new book "My Life" will be available Tuesday. Various news outlets including the AP and the New York Times have acquired advanced copies and have begun releasing excerpts and reporting on the contents. The publisher, Alfred A. Knopf, reportedly payed a $10 million dollar advance to the former president for his 957 page book (for those of you that don't want to do the math - that is $10,449.32 a page). I have no doubt the book will be a best-seller due to the left's l...
According to news reports today, the Senate has approved a measure by a vote of 99-1 to raise the fines for "indecency" to $275,000.00 per indecent incident with a cap of $3,000,000.00 a day. This is up from the current $27,500.00 per incident for the FCC licensed broadcasters and $11,000.00 per incident fine for personalities. This measure was sponsored by Kansas Senator Sam Brownback (GOP) because "People are tired of this indecent material on over-the-air public broadcast, particularly dur...
Its a sad day for Louisiana and the United States of America thanks to the voters of Louisiana yesterday, Sept. 18, 2004. A proposed state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages and civil unions was passed in a state-wide election. Louisiana already has a law stating that marriage can be only between a man and woman, but supporters of the amendment want to protect that law in the Constitution. The amendment also prohibits state officials and courts from recognizing out-of-sta...
A 25 year old man committed suicide at the World Trade Center site in NYC. His suicide was apparently over President Bush's reelection (but no suicide note was found). Just how pathetic and sad can it get? And geez... the election only affects the next 4 years... this bone-head's decision was final forever. From the AP: NEW YORK - A 25-year-old man from Georgia who was apparently distraught over President Bush's re-election shot and killed himself at ground zero. Andrew Veal's bod...
If the NHL started playing again tomorrow would anybody care? The NHL has now officially canceled over half of the season’s 1230 games. They players and the owners still aren't at the bargaining tables. The hockey teams are reducing the work weeks of their office staff to 3 days and most likely after next week there will be more layoffs. Some teams are even looking at finding part time work for their employees so that they can help them through these hard times. You won't see this in the n...
This is a time of year that NASA, the United States and the entire world pause to remember the untimely deaths and sacrifices of true heroes - the crews of Apollo 1 and the Challenger and Columbia space shuttles. On January 27, 1967 astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chafee died in a fire during a pre-launch test. On January 28, 1986 the seven member crew of Challenger: Francis Scobee, Micheal Smith, Judy Resnik, Ellison Onizuka, Ron McNair, Greg Jarvis and Christa Mcauliffe die...
At least I won't be considered a criminal if I go to New York with my camera now. Last year the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York City proposed to ban photography from all subways and buses in the NYC area. This caused a great uproar amongst many photographers and other civil rights supporting citizens. Sites such as deviantART. com even organized mass protests (in the form of a photography contest ) before the proposed ban went into effect) to show what would be lost if t...
So, what are the most "harmful" books according to the ultra-conservative panel? 01. The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels 02. Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler 03. Quotations from Chairman Mao (aka The Little Red Book) - Mao Zedong 04. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (aka The Kinsey Report) - Alfred Kinsey 05. Democracy and Education - John Dewey 06. Das Kapital - Karl Marx 07. The Feminine Mystique - Betty Friedan 08. The Course of Positive Philosophy - Auguste Comte
The 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution, proposed on March 21, 1947 and ratified on February 27, 1951 states: "No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once." This was put into place by Congress after President Roosevelt was elected t...
Coverage of important events by news media these days is, in my opinion, more ratings driven than content driven. This is especially the case in broadcast news although other outlets such as newspapers and web sites are following along. I guess I just don't understand what makes something "news" these days. Here are two examples of what I'm talking about. In Kansas City the media broadcast two days - yes, 2 days! of the sentencing hearing of Dennis Rader. This is two days of addition...
This is excepted from Bobby Jindal's weekly news letter: Protecting our borders and preventing illegal immigration I joined my colleagues in the House of Representatives this week in passing three bills to crack down on illegal immigration and keep our borders safe. - Border Tunnel Prevention Act (H.R. 4830) This bill will enact criminal penalties for individuals who knowingly construct or finance the construction of an unauthorized tunnel across a U.S. international border. ...
From a weekly newsletter from Rep. Bobby Jindal: In a section of his newsletter titled Remembering September 11th he comments "The goal of the terrorists was to transform Americans to live in fear. " Two paragraphs later he wrote the following lines. On Thursday, the House of Representatives voted to secure American borders by passing legislation to require systematic surveillance of our land and sea borders and the construction of 700 miles of double-layered fencing along the bord...