I couldn't vote for John Kerry, but that doesn't mean I like G W Bush much better. For me, this was an election where I once again had to choose the lesser of two evils. I went with the devil I know in the end. Following are some stray thoughts on the election and the next four years. Take them for what you will. John Kerry was a weak candidate - a poor choice by the DNC. Kerry made the mistake of using military service as a rally point and it backfired on him (especially after the C-BS...
Ron Kohl, the editor or Machine Design magazine, has written an excellent article on the presidential election that sums up many of my feelings quite eloquently (check the attached link for the full article). Yes, it is an excellent and eloquent article because I agree with him. In brief, Mr. Kohl points out that the major political parties are preying on the emotions of the average voters while avoiding the hard subjects such as medical care and medical costs. Both parties are guilty of...