Some of my thoughts. Your milage may vary. Thanks for reading.
But I don't really like Bush either...
Published on November 3, 2004 By DesignGuy In Politics
I couldn't vote for John Kerry, but that doesn't mean I like G W Bush much better. For me, this was an election where I once again had to choose the lesser of two evils. I went with the devil I know in the end.

Following are some stray thoughts on the election and the next four years. Take them for what you will.

John Kerry was a weak candidate - a poor choice by the DNC. Kerry made the mistake of using military service as a rally point and it backfired on him (especially after the C-BS fiasco with the letters). Nobody gave a rats ass about what happened in Vietnam until he made it a focal point - it was a different time and a different war. All he managed to do was stir up the old feelings that he betrayed his comrades in arms with his acusations and testimony. Even Jane Fonda eventually apologized for her actions after a fashion. Kerry never did.

All of the sound bites from the DNC were attack ads. The web sites that supported Kerry in a big way (, etc.) were full of hate filled diatribes. The only place I've heard more hatred was listening to a Catholic Deacon talking about homosexual marriage. The only thing I ask from a political campaign is that they run on facts, with a minimum of spin, and in a positive way. Name calling, mud sliinging and scare tactics are not the way to win my support.

The only bright spots of Kerry's campaign were the debates (which I think he won - rather decisively on the first one).

The entire Kerry campaign was reactive instead of proactive. Kerry fell for every trap that was set and when he got in a hole he seemed bound and determined to dig deeper. If he had run on his Senate record and concentrated on showing what he had done for the country, then built upon that with the message of what he would do (more than the endless "I've got a plan" BS) he might have actually swept the election. He didn't. The DNC didn't. It was like Kerry didn't have a record in the Senate. I'm not saying I like his record, but it was like he never even acknowledged that he had one!

There are so many things his campaign did wrong that it's no wonder he lost. Nobody should be surprised and the DNC needs to take a good hard look at themselves if they ever want to have another shot at the oval office. Their only other option is to wait for the GOP president to screw up so badly the country doesn't have any other choice than to replace him.

As for the next four years Bush really needs to make some changes.

I would hope that Ashcroft gets the boot (the blind loyalty shown in his direction is sickening). I really and truly fear for the freedoms that Americans have always held dear with Ashcroft in office. We really need somebody in that office that will enforce the laws of the land, that respects the constitution and respects the rights of individuals. We don't need somebody that is "profiteering" off of terrorism the way Ashcroft has. Finally, the person to replace Ashcroft shouldn't think the letters ACLU together form a 4-letter word, but if he/she respects the constitution that won't be a problem.

We have an obligation as a nation to do the right thing in Iraq and Afghanistan - we can't afford another Somalia (a la Clinton) or Vietnam. I believe GWB will follow through there - it is going to be the legacy of his presidency. Look for major military action as soon as the elections in Iraq are completed. When that is done, I see the UN taking a larger role (since all the dirty work will be done for them and at least be tacitly backed by the UN). There is hope that Iraq will be a memory by the time the next presidential election comes around. A small hope, but hope none-the-less.

I think GWB also needs to move more toward the middle of the road. If he truly wants to heal the divide that currently exists in the US he needs to be more moderate. GWB needs to stop trying to legislate his religion. I'm glad that Jesus works for him but he needs to show me some respect and quit trying to ram it down my throat. The truly great presidents are able to put aside their own beliefs for the good of the country just as FDR did when it came to desegregation. If GWB can unite the US the rest of the world will come along with no extra effort.

I really want to see the tax code reworked and GWB has said that it will happen. Give me a flat tax. Give me a national sales tax. Give me just about anything other than what I've got now. I'm tired of paying for the rest of country and funding welfare programs that I don't see working. I'm tired of having a tax code that defies all logic. I've got a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I'm not a dummy. But I can't figure my own taxes without costing myself even more money in the end. As long as the new tax code is fair and EVERYBODY is treated the same I'll shut-up and happily pay my share.

The last 2 things I think GWB needs to seriously address are healthcare and education. Medical costs are outrageous as are the costs for medical insurance. I wish I knew how to fix the problems. GWB needs to find a way that doesn't include socialized medicine. As for education, the "No Child Left Behind" act is a noble goal but in reality it will create more problems in many urban areas. It took a long time to create the current education problems, it will take time to right them too and the act is entirely too agressive in that regard. Forget the idea of school vouchers as well. Taking more money away from public education won't help fix the problems.

Your milage may vary, thanks for reading.

on Nov 03, 2004
Some very good points...

I liked the entire blog. GW needs to get a move on the things he's promised to do. Even though I despise the bureacracy of the UN, I think we need to get at least some more humanitarian aid in Iraq, and start rebuilding the country like we said we were going to.

Good job. Chalk up an insightful.


on Nov 03, 2004

The last president I voted for, was GW in 2000.  He disappointed me.  Before that, it was Reagan. And he never did.  I have voted in 8.  I have voted FOR in 3.  And one of those was because of the sleeze of Clinton, not because I thought he was great.

so I am batting 25%.  I pray you do better.

on Nov 03, 2004

Reply #1 By: Death_By_Beebles - 11/3/2004 9:21:19 PM
Some very good points...

I liked the entire blog. GW needs to get a move on the things he's promised to do. Even though I despise the bureacracy of the UN, I think we need to get at least some more humanitarian aid in Iraq, and start rebuilding the country like we said we were going to.

I think we need to skrag the UN and start over. Bunch of ungrateful, lying, stealing, back stabbing JERKS!!!
on Nov 03, 2004
The last president I voted for, was GW in 2000. He disappointed me.

I'm with you Dr. Guy. I've voted in 6 elections now and voting for Reagan was the easiest and most rewarding so far. I really hope that during his second term GWB becomes a president for the entire country and not just the ultra-conservative right. Thanks for the comment.

Chalk up an insightful.

There is a first for everything! Thank you Beebes.

I agree with you. I think the UN is in many ways an irrelevant bureacracy. The elections in Iraq will be key and having the new government's backing will add the legitimacy that so many people/countries feel is lacking at the moment.
on Nov 03, 2004
I think we need to skrag the UN and start over. Bunch of ungrateful, lying, stealing, back stabbing JERKS!!!

Thanks for the comment drmiler. I wish I knew a way to fix the UN that would make it relevant, but the chasm between the have and have not countries grows larger every day. As long as all of the voices are equal in the UN the US will always have problems. It kind of feels like a world-wide welfare system.
on Nov 03, 2004
If he had run on his Senate record and concentrated on showing what he had done for the country

Good point. Why didn't he run on his record?

Although I don't agree with his political views regarding Government taking care of everyone's problems and redistributing people's incomes, there are a lot of people that do like the Government being in charge of these things.

Just as an exercise in curiousity, I wonder how he would have come out?
on Nov 03, 2004
Just as an exercise in curiousity, I wonder how he would have come out?

My guess is that Kerry wouldn't have fared as well as he did. I think Kerry was a weak candidate because of his record. If you'll recall, Kerry was almost out of the race during the primaries - he was basically saved because Dean managed to weird out EVERYBODY (well, lots of people anyway ).