Some of my thoughts. Your milage may vary. Thanks for reading.
A small introduction to me.
Published on February 27, 2004 By DesignGuy In Welcome
An urge to write has grabbed hold. I've been reading several blogs with great interest and decided that I might just try my own hand at blogging. It is my little experiment in changing from reader to author. I'm not sure that will be an entirely easy change to embrace, the burden to communicate coherently is on the author and that implies a certain responsibility that doesn't exist for the general reader. I guess time will tell if I can make the transition.

I've never voiced my opinions very often - most people don't care and it isn't worth the arguments that you get into with those who don't like to think for themselves. The appeal of this blog is that I get to stay somewhat anonymous, although over time people will start to learn more about me. I don't think a person can write about things effectively without revealing themselves to some degree. Here is your first glimpse, I'm an engineer. Engineers aren't known for their english skills but they are generally very judgemental and opinionated. I'm not the typical engineer but I do share some of their traits unfortunately. Then again, that is what this is all about, stating an opinion and backing it up to some degree. Maybe it will come in useful.

I don't ask that you agree with my point of view or even that you like it. I've found that people that agree with you think you're smart, those that disagree believe you're either stupid or just being contrary. There are many things that I find are important to me for some reason or other, and there are many things that other people find important that I really don't care much about. I'm sure if you read this from time to time you'll find you have the same reaction to my thoughts and words.

Thanks for reading. We'll let the fun begin

on Feb 28, 2004
Well, welcome. I'm in math education myself, so people typically think of me as being very cold and logical. I even had a professor once in an English class who told me that I thought differently than everyone else and I saw numbers where they saw pictures or some such crap. It wasn't true because I could write circles around those people. I have to say, I don't agree with your comments about how people who agree think you are smart whereas people who disagree think you're dumb. I'm sure there are some people who think like this, but generally people can tell the difference. People know that I am smart but they disagree with me all the time. And even if I thought someone was dumber than dirt, if they said something I thought was insightful, I'd agree. Maybe I just misread the whole thing or went too in-depth, I don't know. Anyway, I look forward to seeing what you have to say.
on Feb 28, 2004
Actually, I think you read it correctly and you are right. I'll make a note to myself not to over generalize things (there is that authorship responsibility already raising it's ugly head).

Thanks for the welcome, I really appreciate it.