At least it feels like I've joined a cult.
I've been a diehard PC user since, well a long time (DOS 2.06 is where I became proficient ). I discovered UNIX in the early 90's and I'm a UNIX nut. I absolutely LOVE that operating system - it is everything I have ever wanted and more. So anyway, when a friend gave me a Mac G4 for free I accepted it - but with some trepidation.
I don't like Macs. I've worked with Macs since forever also, starting with the first Macintosh. I always wanted to boot the !*@# things out the window when the little bomb would come up with "OK" as the only option. Don't get me started on that little "Happy Mac" icon. Thankfully about 4 years ago we finally got rid of the last Macs where I work and I've been happy ever since.
Then came the offer. I couldn't turn down a free computer, especially one that is close to cutting edge. Anyway, I took the stupid thing and promptly put it in a corner swearing not to hook it up until I cleared some room for it on the desk. It is a big desk and it would take some time.
A couple of months passed and I started feeling guilty about having the Mac just sitting there so I cleared the room and finally hooked it up to the second input on one of my monitors. Booted her up the first time and... discovered my friend had stripped all the memory out of it and put just enough back to let it boot (128 Mb).
Ok, off to the computer store, discover there are 31 different flavors of Mac G4's and promptly buy the wrong RAM. Figures, it was too cheap and would have fit just about any G4 other than the one I have. Back to the store, trade the existing RAM and another $100 for 1 Gb of the right stuff.
Finally, with the RAM sorted and being able to actually OPEN something on the computer I discover that it is running OS 9.something. This won't do - too much like the old hated OS. I was expecting the new OS 10 software with a UNIX soul and the ability to actually play nice with a Windows machine but got THIS! OK, shut her down again.
A couple of weeks pass and I finally get my round-2-its to buy version 10.3 (OK for your Mac fanatics - it's OS-X Panther OK?). Now I'm $300 into a free computer and getting ready to install the new operating system. I'll let you know whether there will be a cheap Mac for sale probably later tonight
I haven't decided what I'm going to do with this thing yet, but it will give me something to play with. I should be able to run some open source UNIX based software on it (I've done a little research) so we'll see. I'll bet I end up having to buy another hard drive for it next.
Beware of free computers.