Some of my thoughts. Your milage may vary. Thanks for reading.
Conservative Paranoia
Published on June 6, 2005 By DesignGuy In Current Events
So, what are the most "harmful" books according to the ultra-conservative panel?

01. The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels
02. Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler
03. Quotations from Chairman Mao (aka The Little Red Book) - Mao Zedong
04. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (aka The Kinsey Report) - Alfred Kinsey
05. Democracy and Education - John Dewey
06. Das Kapital - Karl Marx
07. The Feminine Mystique - Betty Friedan
08. The Course of Positive Philosophy - Auguste Comte
09. Beyond Good and Evil - Freidrich Nietzsche
10. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money - John Maynard Keynes

Politics, sexuality, feminism, and economics are the topics that are most harmful from the conservative viewpoint? Perhaps that should be to the conservative viewpoint. It's interesting to note that Charles Darwin's "Origin of the Species" and "Descent of Man" only got honourable (or I guess dishonourable in this case) mentions but couldn't crack the top 10. I also find it funny that a top ten list contains thirty titles in all (a right wing conspiracy?).

A meaningless post for a meaningless list.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 07, 2005
In fairness, aren't there books out there that liberals want banned also? I remember when Rush Limbaugh's books were released. There were all sorts of calls to ban those. Copies on bookstore shelves were stolen or vandalized. Liberal parents called schools to protest the books in libraries... etc

Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, Uncle Tom's Cabin, LIttle Black Sambo, Uncle Remus Stories and even the movie Song of the South have all been banned at one time or another (some still are). Were they banned because they offended the sensibilities of Conservatives? No. They were banned because Liberals found them "harmful".

There have been calls to ban the books of Ayn Rand. Isn't it ironic that Liberals would defend "Heather Has Two Mommies" for its homosexual context, but want The Fountainhead banned for its homosexual context.

"Mein Kampf" seems to be an equal opportunity offender. There have been calls to ban that one from both the Liberal and Conservative camps.

The call to repress thought comes from both sides of the spectrum. Apparently one man's "paranoia" is another man's "freedom of speech".
on Jun 07, 2005
Charles Darwin's "Origin of the Species" was even considered? That is freaking pathetic. Next thing you know they (neocon right) will want to ban books on calculus.
on Jun 07, 2005
Henry Thoreau (Walden, or sometimes called Walden's Pond).

I have lived among conservatives, and know of VERY few that consider Walden to be harmful. "On Civil Disobedience" is FAR more likely to make their "bad book" list.
on Jun 07, 2005

Some very excellent points; specically on Mein "Kampf." Hitler didn't care who he offended. And, as you indicated there are books out there that will offend just about anyone regardless of their political ideals.


I used to use "Walden" as a mild point of view toward the liberal or moderate side of the political sprectum back in my teaching days. It was a book that really setup my view on life along with a look into my political ideals. I myself tend to lean toward the liberal side of life, but have been known to take a stand on conservative issues. Because of this some say I am more of a moderate then a liberal.

on Jun 07, 2005

Charles Darwin's "Origin of the Species" was even considered? That is freaking pathetic. Next thing you know they (neocon right) will want to ban books on calculus.

Please show us in the post, list or site where NeoCon right was stated or alluded to.  Or are you just a troll that cant discuss a topic without name calling?

on Jun 07, 2005
In defense of the compilers of the list, they were REQUESTED to compile this list. It wasn't compiled as a list of books they intended to ban, it was just a subjective list of books they consider "harmful".

Personally, I agree that the thoughts presented in some of those books seriously undermined standards of morality. In that sense they might be deemed "harmful". And very few would argue that "Mein Kampf", which expresses the ideologies of Hitler, is "harmful" in that sense. For that matter, Mao's little red book fits the bill.

As for "Communist Manifesto", I find that most who consider the book to be harmful have never READ the book. Karl Marx makes some VERY astute observations within its pages, and much of his predictions about the future of the working class have proven to be prophetic. Its misuse by modern "socialists" shouldn't reflect back on the book itself (I would make the same statements about anything written by Darwin; apologists for Darwinism have tainted his theories so badly that objective analysis is all but impossible).

My nomination for "Most Harmful" book? "Confessions of an Heiress" by Paris Hilton. Do we REALLY want our kids using HER as a role model?
on Jun 07, 2005
My nomination for "Most Harmful" book? "Confessions of an Heiress" by Paris Hilton. Do we REALLY want our kids using HER as a role model?

She wrote a book? Wow, she must be more intelligent than I thought.
on Jun 07, 2005
just because her name is on it doesn't me she wrote it if you catch my drift.
on Jun 07, 2005

Let her live with the illusion. Remember, her only claim to celebrity is being born to the right set of parents. That's gotta be rough!
on Jun 07, 2005
I am surprised they didn't pick "The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century" by Houston Stewart Chamberlain which was very influential on Hitler.

I am more surprised by #5 and #8 though I think.
on Jun 07, 2005
What does The Holy Bible, The U.S. Constitution and The Origin of a Species have in common?

Each are quoted by supporters and detractors who never bothered to actually read them!! ;~D
on Jun 07, 2005
There are lots of books with questionable content, many of which I would not allow my children (if I had any) to read. But no book should ever be banned. Period. And anyone on any side who thinks some should is being closed minded and pointlessly biased. When it comes to banning books it seems the most common reasons in this country nowadays are banning them in schools, protecting the children. Let parents make decisions about protecting their children, require it of them if neccesary. Leave art, philosophy and ideas alone.
on Jun 07, 2005

Personally, I agree that the thoughts presented in some of those books seriously undermined standards of morality. In that sense they might be deemed "harmful". And very few would argue that "Mein Kampf", which expresses the ideologies of Hitler, is "harmful" in that sense. For that matter, Mao's little red book fits the bill.

Any book, in the wrong hands can be considered harmful.  Just like a gun.  The book in an of itself is just an expression of ideas, and expression of ideas (except in the non-verbal sense) are not harmful.

on Jun 07, 2005
Let's not forget the dangerous books which aren't even allowed to be published. That list only includes the books fortunate enough to be printed. Check out the unpublished book written by a Mr. Scott, The War Conspiracy. The CIA stepped in and no one would publish it. Too bad too. Great insights into US big oil companies lobbying for intervention in SouthEast Asia. Once the dust settled the US oil gained access to Indochinese oil deposits. Say what you wish about it, but it's a definite fact they gained control of the oil deposits after the attack against South Vietnam.
on Jun 09, 2005
But no book should ever be banned. Period.

The problem is, nowhere does anyone presenting this list propose a ban.
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