Whats the deal with Spain?
I'll admit it, I'm totally confused and sickened by what has happened. What is the deal with Spain?
Here is a brief recap of the last week. Terrorists mounted a cowardly attack on the good citizens of Madrid that has claimed over 200 lives so far and resulted in over 1500 injuries. The attack was timed for maximum impact striking as they did during the morning commute and right before the Spanish elections. Al-Qaida claimed responsibility for the attack and stated that it was in retaliation for Spain supporting the war in Iraq.
Result? Terrorism works. Al-Qaida has changed a government. The Popular Party was well ahead in polls up until the terrorist attack and actively supported the US in Iraq. For that they have been removed from power. The people of Spain promptly gave Al-Qaida exactly what the cowards wanted - a government that opposes the war on terrorism. Score: Al-Qaida 1 - Spain 0.
I pity the people of Spain. Once you start running and hiding it is hard to stop. If the people of Spain think that they will be safe from terrorist attacks now they need to think again. Look at the message they just sent the Basques. The cowardly and viscious Basque methods of attacking innocent people will work too, but the Basques just haven't thought on a large enough scale yet. Spain has shown that they will give in to terrorism so it can only be a matter of time before the Basque people get what they want.
The next time Al-Qaida strikes think of Spain because Spain has resoundingly endorsed Al-Qaida's terrorists methods.
Spain had the chance to show the world what they are made of. I guess in the end they did.